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Training for WWF Finland volunteers

During his recent visit to Helsinki, Hugo Nijkamp gave a two hour lecture to more than 30 volunteers of WWF Finland. The volunteers are trained to assist in oil spill incidents in Finland where they play a main role in the shoreline cleanup and wildlife response, as part of a programme which is coordinated by WWF Finland, in close cooperation with Finland’s National Environmental Institute (SYKE) and the Rescue Departments.In the event of an oiled wildlife incident in Finland, these volunteers would likely be called up to run the mobile wildlife response unit. WWF-Finland’s volunteer programme is internationally applauded as one of the few examples of a successful and coordinated use of volunteers in oil spill response. The lectures by Hugo Nijkamp provided an overview of international aspects in an oiled wildlife incident, the important elements of managing an oiled wildlife incident and a range of case studies. Keeping up the skills and knowledge of these long-term volunteers is vital for maintaining Finland’s readiness to deal with oiled wildlife incidents. Those interested in volunteering in Finland should contact WWF Finland.

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