Sea Alarm articles and papers
(some papers are co-authored)
Learning by throwing the dice: How serious games can help to understand the complexities of an emergency response and what preparedness should mean
International Oil Spill Conference, May 2024
EUROWA: a European mutual assistance system for oiled wildlife emergencies
International Oil Spill Conference, May 2024
Tomorrow belongs to people who prepare for it today: perspectives on African oiled wildlife preparedness and response
International Oil Spill Conference, May 2024
Designing and implementing a meaningful Tier 3 wildlife response element in a large-scale industry oil spill exercise in Africa
International Oil Spill Conference, May 2024
EUROWA: a European mutual assistance system for oiled wildlife emergencies
Interspill conference, June 2022
Oil spills and sea turtles: documented effects and considerations for response and assessment efforts
Endangered species research. Vol. 41: 17–37, 2020
A modular approach to exercising tiered wildlife response as a means to developing genuine preparedness
Interspill conference, March 2018
The EU Directive on Offshore Safety: what does it mean for the development of professional oiled wildlife response preparedness in Europe?
Interspill conference, March 2015
Arctic Oiled Wildlife Response: exploring potential and limitations
International Oil Spill Conference, May 2014
Impact and implications of an international wildlife response preparedness project
International Oil Spill Conference, May 2014
Towards a Tier 3 infrastructure for oiled wildlife response
International Oil Spill Conference, May 2014
Creating a realistic oiled wildlife response exercise
Cleaner Seas, June 2014
Future Spills: A view from the Sea Alarm Foundation
Spill Alert Issue 11 June 2013, pgs 12-14
Facts and myths about marine mammals and oil spills
Cleaner Seas, Spring 2013
Oiled wildlife response: structural planning and response boosted by Regional Agreements
International Oil Spill Conference, May 2014
The oil industry’s continued commitment to oiled wildlife response
Cleaner Seas, Winter 2010
Update on European oiled wildlife preparedness and response
Cleaner Seas, Spring 2010
Empower: A new European initiative for oiled wildlife response and preparedness
Interspill Conference, May 2009
Responding to Oiled Wildlife Incidents
Cleaner Seas, Spring 2009
Combatting the Deadly Effects of oil on Marine Life
Wildlife Middle East, Volume 3, Issue 2, September 2008
Oiled Wildlife Reponse Planning in the Baltic Sea Region
Cleaner Seas, Spring 2008
The Sea Alarm Foundation
Cleaner Seas, Winter 2007/08
Oiled Wildlife Response in Norway
Cleaner Seas, Autumn 2007
Oiled Wildlife Response: Towards a Professional and Effective Approach – Cleaner Seas
Cleaner Seas, Winter 2006/07
Preparing for Oiled Wildlife Emergencies
Cleaner Seas, Spring 2006