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Sea Alarm provides a range of services in support of a local response, the most important of which are listed below. We aim to tailor our contribution by responding at different mobilisation levels. Learn more about how you can activate us.

Supporting management
Sea Alarm provides strategic and tactical advice, coaching key individuals from day-to-day or, if necessary, from hour-to-hour, and helps to set up management and information systems.

Optimizing effectiveness
Sea Alarm can optimize a response by quickly analyzing emerging needs and identifying crucial gaps. Sea Alarm uses its international network and contacts to make things work effectively and cost efficiently.

Identifying and integrating international resources
Sea Alarm can assist with the identification, mobilization and integration of international resources, such as experts and equipment. Sea Alarm has an international network of oiled wildlife responders with branches on each continent and can therefore seek the assistance of the most outstanding experts in the world.

Maximizing chances for compensation
Sea Alarm has close contacts with key organisations that are part of the international compensation mechanisms, such as P&I Clubs and the IOPC Fund. Sea Alarm is regarded as a reliable organisation that is able to implement international standards of good practice and optimize cost-efficiency. Sea Alarm’s involvement can make a considerable difference in increasing the probability that the costs of the response can be claimed back from these compensation mechanisms.

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