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Oiled Wildlife Preparedness And Response In The Middle East

Oiled wildlife preparedness and response in the Middle East

In February, Sea Alarm gave a presentation at the 2018 Middle East Technical Forum, organised by Oil Spill Response and Kuwait Oil Company.

The Technical Forum provided an opportunity for Middle Eastern oil company and governmental stakeholders to discuss regional oil spill response preparedness and marine environmental protection.

The presentation, given by Saskia Sessions-Puplett, provided an overview of Sea Alarm’s role and the services it provides in the field of oiled wildlife preparedness and response. Saskia also had the opportunity to exchange ideas and information with regional agencies, organisations and individuals on the exhibition floor.

Despite the sensitivity of marine wildlife populations to potential oiling in a region with very well-developed oil and gas exploration and production activities, robust planning for preventing and mitigating impacts of oiling on those populations is still a relatively undeveloped field in the Middle East region.

Sea Alarm hopes to continue the dialogue with Middle Eastern stakeholders to explore ways of further improving preparedness in the region.

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