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In the 20 years of its existence, Sea Alarm is proud to have been an active partner in bringing about many positive changes in oiled wildlife response, which have resulted in improved awareness of the issues involved, the importance of preparedness between all stakeholders and the value of cooperation between experienced international responders who share lessons learned and work to the same standards of care.

In doing so, Sea Alarm has developed a unique role in the field of oiled wildlife response, working to ensure coordination of efforts between the industry, spill response agencies and wildlife response organisations.

The articles below provide more information on how Sea Alarm has driven these changes.

Sea Alarm’s first 20 years: Our role in oiled wildlife responses

The ability to make a positive contribution in a response to an oiled wildlife emergency has always been a key objective in our work. In our 20 years we have responded to quite a few incidents in different countries under many different circumstances. This article will revisit some of these incidents to share what we’ve learned and to explain why real-time incidents have always been the main driver of our preparedness work.

Sea Alarm’s first 20 years: We are stronger together (Part 2)

In our last 20-year anniversary article (Part 1) we introduced the importance of networking, the role Sea Alarm has had in initiating and coordinating NGO Response networks and reviewed the history of the European Network EUROWA. In Part 2, we continue the story, presenting the work of the Global Oiled Wildlife Response System (GOWRS) and some closing words on the significance of these networks, which leave the world better prepared for oiled wildlife response.

Sea Alarm’s first 20 years: We are stronger together – building expertise networks (Part 1)

Network is a word that is used a lot nowadays, but what is a network? For Sea Alarm, it is a group of organisations and/or individuals with a common interest working together. We have a strong belief that by cooperating and striving towards common goals, a well-coordinated network can grow to be stronger than the sum of its parts (in other words, its individual members). 

Sea Alarm’s first 20 years: Laying the foundations for European oiled wildlife response capability

At the turn of the new millennium, Sea Alarm was still a young organisation aiming to bring more professionalism into the field of oiled wildlife response by working in cooperation with animal care specialists, governments and industry stakeholders. This journey to professionalism, marked by a number of serious oil spills, was not a smooth one.

Sea Alarm’s first 20 years: Building political infrastructure for oiled wildlife response at the regional level

Sea Alarm has played an active role in motivating European Coastal States to explore the issue of Oiled Wildlife Response and Preparedness via the three major Regional Agreements: “Bonn”, “HELCOM” and “Barcelona”. This article provides an overview of these efforts, and what has been achieved over the years.

Sea Alarm’s first 20 years: Encouraging and informing national processes

Throughout its 20 years of existence, Sea Alarm has assisted many European countries by motivating, initiating, informing and facilitating national processes, with the aim of raising awareness and improving response planning and capacity building.

Sea Alarm’s first 20 years: Sharing knowledge, advocating preparedness

In its 20 year history Sea Alarm has been active across the globe, carrying out numerous activities to advance wildlife response preparedness with a large number of stakeholders.

Sea Alarm’s first 20 years: A 15 year partnership with OSRL

Sea Alarm would not have been where it is today without its 15 years of partnership with Oil Spill Response Ltd (OSRL). This cooperation started January 1, 2005 and continues to be a major engine for driving international progress in wildlife preparedness and response across the globe.

Celebrating Sea Alarm’s 20 years of oiled wildlife response preparedness

In December of 1999, Sea Alarm was founded under Dutch law. To celebrate this milestone and the many achievements of the organisation, we will be producing a series of articles during 2020 and 2021, covering some highlights of our Foundation’s history.

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