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A new self-assessment tool for oiled wildlife response preparedness

  • October 31, 2016
self-assement-tool for oiled wildlife response
An example of a completed assessment, showing areas of strength and those needing improvement

How prepared are we for oiled wildlife response?

This is a question regularly considered by the HELCOM Response (Baltic Sea Area) Expert Working Group on Oiled Wildlife Response (EWR-OWR), chaired by Sea Alarm.

To help with making an accurate assessment of their level of preparedness, the Working Group decided to develop a self-assessment tool to aid countries in gauging and reporting on their progress toward preparedness for response to oiled wildlife.

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Paving the way for international oiled wildlife response assistance

  • October 31, 2016
The JIP20 GOWRS Steering Group (from left to right, Claude Velter - Wildlife Rescue Centre Ostend, Charlie Hebert - Focus Wildlife International, Sascha Regmann - PRO Bird, Dr. Heidi Stout - Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research Inc., Paul Kelway - Sea Alarm Foundation, Dr. Valeria Ruoppolo - Aiuká, Dr. Stephen van der Spuy - SANCCOB, Barbara Callahan - International Bird Rescue, Dr. Mike Ziccardi - UC Davis Wildlife Health Center, Louise Chilvers – Wildbase, Massey University and Adam Grogan - RSPCA) joined by Lisa Smith, Executive Director of Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research Inc. (far right) and Danene Birtell, Tri-State’s Oil Programs Manager (6th from right).
The GOWRS Steering Group (from left to right, Claude Velter – Wildlife Rescue Centre Ostend, Charlie Hebert – Focus Wildlife International, Sascha Regmann – PRO Bird, Dr. Heidi Stout – Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research Inc., Paul Kelway – Sea Alarm Foundation, Dr. Valeria Ruoppolo – Aiuká, Dr. Stephen van der Spuy – SANCCOB, Barbara Callahan – International Bird Rescue, Dr. Mike Ziccardi – UC Davis Wildlife Health Center, Louise Chilvers – Wildbase, Massey University and Adam Grogan – RSPCA) joined by Lisa Smith, Executive Director of Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research Inc. (far right) and Danene Birtell, Tri-State’s Oil Programs Manager (6th from right).

The third meeting of experts involved in the Global Oiled Wildlife Response System (GOWRS) project took place last month in Delaware, USA.

The project– a two-year initiative funded by the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) as part of the Oil Spill Response Joint Industry Project (OSR-JIP) – aims to design an international system for oiled wildlife response expertise that can be mobilized for assistance in complex oiled wildlife scenarios.

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A heartfelt thank-you from Brussels

  • April 5, 2016

The Sea Alarm team were shocked and saddened by recent events in Brussels. Our thoughts are very much with the victims, their families and friends. We and our families were lucky – we are all safe, but we have been…

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Second meeting of global wildlife response project takes place in Brazil

  • March 24, 2016
The JIP20 team was joined by Aiuká staff and other Brazilian stakeholders
The JIP20 team, pictured with Aiuká staff and other Brazilian stakeholders

The second in-person meeting of ‘JIP20’, an oil-industry-funded project to develop a system for mobilising international oiled wildlife response resources, was held in Brazil in February. Aiuká, one of the participating organisations, hosted the meeting at their oiled wildlife response facility in Praia Grande, near Santos.

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Texel field exercise tests NL wildlife response strategy

  • March 23, 2016
NL drill in Texel
Practising intake procedures at the field exercise in Texel

In December 2015, a field exercise at ECOMARE, on the Wadden Sea island of Texel, tested local oiled wildlife response capability and ECOMARE’s ability to function as a stabilisation centre. Sea Alarm and Wildlife Rescue Centre Ostend organised the exercise as part of the Dutch national oiled wildlife training and exercise programme.

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EUROWA Module project in final year

  • March 23, 2016

EUROWAlogo.smallSea Alarm’s staff is heavily involved in the EUROWA Module project, which is co-funded by the European Commission. The project has just started its second and last year, in which two training events are amongst the main deliveries.

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  Technical discussion day at ITOPF

  • March 21, 2016
IT0PF workshopsmall
ITOPF staff work through a tabletop oiled wildlife response exercise with Sea Alarm

In January, Sea Alarm visited the International Tanker Owners Oil Pollution Federation (ITOPF) in London for a full day of oiled wildlife response discussions with the members of ITOPF’s team.

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